Technology Grant

Grant Project: Using Digital Tools to Teach Environmental Literacy Across Discipline

Schoolcraft Learning Community is the proud recipient of an Educational Technology ARRA grant. In collaboration with Bemidji State University, Apple Computer, and Expeditionary Learning Schools, Schoolcraft students and staff are strengthening environmental literacy through technology-integrated lessons. The grant is based on four specific goals:

Goal 1: Build Teacher Technology Integration Skills

  • Encourage effective integration of 21st century learning technologies with teacher training and curriculum development with a focus on environmental education.

Goal 2: Build a Learning Community

  • Collaborate with Bemidji State University Faculty, Apple Computer, and Expeditionary Learning Schools to develop technology enhanced environmental education lessons, analyze test scores, team-teach lessons, and evaluate projects.

Goal 3: Enhance & Accelerate Student Academic Achievement of the Minnesota Academic Standards

  • Improve student research and information fluency skills with the application of digital tools in environmental education projects.

Goal 4: Assist Every Student in Developing 21st Century Skills

  • Provide technology rich activities that build information and communication technology literacy, 21st century skills and enhance the Schoolcraft Learning Community's expedition work.